
      Railroadiana Online - A new informational website for collectors and others interested in railroadiana. It is maintained by a group of collectors and is independent of any organization. Contributions of images and information are welcomed. Collectors, antique buffs, and everyone else are invited to explore the site and learn more about collecting and preserving artifacts of railroad history!  A GREAT lantern resource!   

      Kerosene Lanterns of the Past - *** Currently Down *** A nice lantern site from a collector in the Lone Star State.  Some of the lanterns shown and discussed include Dietz, Adlake, Handlan... and others.  Has a wonderful Dietz #3 street lamp!  There's even some wonderful Oil lamps to check out!  Stop on by... you'll be glad you did!   

      The Kessler Collection - A wonderful site on numerous types of lanterns including... Dead Flame, Hot Blast, Cold Blast and some of the Electric variety.   There are GREAT photos of railroad, skater and different utility lanterns.   Even a few Dark lanterns!  The site is still under construction, but getting better every day!   A definite stop for any lantern collector! 

      The Kerosene Lantern - A well done site by Dennis Pearson on kerosene lanterns of all types. Author of the book "Classic Lanterns", his site and book discuss lanterns made by R. E. Dietz, S. G. & L. Co, C. T. Ham, Adams & Westlake (Adlake), Handlan-Buck, Defiance Lantern & Stamping, Embury Manufacturing, Perkins Marine and Paull's (Wheeling) as well as other manufacturers.  A very popular site! - A nice site about kerosene lanterns.   It includes some wonderful pictures of many types of lanterns.... even a Dark Lantern!  Check back on occasion as more lanterns will be added to the site.  If you are new to collecting, you can use these pictures as a reference for lanterns you might want.  Enjoy!!  

      Dutch Hurricane Lanterns - On this Dutch website you can look at a wide variety of Hurricane Lanterns.  Included are other lanterns by makers such as... Dietz, Chalwyn, Helvetica, Meva and Feuerhand.... just to name a few.  Another nice site to stop by and visit!

      W.T. Kirkman Oil & Electric Lanterns - Known for the most complete selection of Hurricane & Frontier lanterns manufactured by Dietz, V&O and W.T. Kirkman themselves.   They also stock reflectors, new and vintage replacement globes as well as lantern parts. Be sure to visit the Dietz Compendium and Company History pages.  There's a wealth of good information there!    

      Railroad Collectors Association, Inc. - Founded in 1971, they promote fellowship and scholarship among collectors of the artifacts of railroad history. Many specialize in a particular type of artifact such as locks and keys, dining car china, timetables, or hardware.  Check out the GREAT lanterns and Lamps sections.  A wonderful resource!   


      Key Lock & Lantern - A non-profit membership corporation for collectors of railroad memorabilia. KL&L's purpose is to help its members develop, understand and improve their collections. Its members interests not only include keys, locks, and lanterns but other railroad memorabilia such as lamps, signs, china, badges, railroad paper and much more.  


      Adlake - Founded in 1857, Adams and Westlake, Ltd... has manufactured lamps, lanterns, locks, keys, door hardware, windows and trim, signage, marker lights, soundproof shelters, thrust bearings, trim sections for the food industry, doors for the Hummer (Desert Storm), high rise curtain wall, entrance doors and other products too numerous to mention.  A classic lantern manufacturer!   

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